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20th DFCT 2023 & 55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University

Abstract Guideline for DFCT2023


Abstract Submission Guideline in PDF Format .
Click to download abstract template 


On behalf of the local organizing committee, it is an immense pleasure to invite research papers from all Thai dental schools. Participants, who would like to make their scientific contributions for this conference, can submit their abstracts, which must be neither published nor presented elsewhere, by the deadline mentioned below and choose to present their research works in either an oral or a poster presentation format.

The decision for your final mode of presentation will, however, be made by the scientific committee of this conference, which will be later announced via your e-mail address. Please be informed that it is the authors’ sole responsibility to check for an accuracy of their works and abstract, English spellings and grammar, as your submitted abstract will not be edited by the scientific committee and will be printed as typed. Note that submission of similar abstracts from the same group of authors is not permitted, or the abstract submitted beyond the deadline will not be considered.

** For those who wish to submit posters to participate in the competition, please go to “POSTER PRESENTATION COMPETITION”




Abstract Submission

Deadline : September 20, 2023

Author Guidelines

  1. The abstract must be written in ENGLISH using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) with the Cordia New, font size 14.
  2. The title must be relevant to the abstract body and does not exceed 18 words with the Cordia New, font size 16, with a capital letter only the first word.
  3. The authors’ first and last names and their affiliations are arranged in the appropriate order with the bold font for the presenter’s name and an asterisk * for the corresponding author.
  4. Affiliation must include Department, Faculty, University, Province, Country with the Cordia New, font size 14, italic
  5. Provide the Corresponding author’s First name Last name (official e-mail address in parenthesis)
  6. The body of the structured abstract that includes Objective(s), Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion must not exceed 300 words. A template of the abstract is available on our website.
  7. ThProvide 3 – 6 keywords in alphabetical order, separated by a comma, that best describe your research.


Abstract Submission Process

  • Upon entering the submission page of the DFCT2023 conference website for the first time, please follow the submission process carefully and create an account with your institutional e-mail and password along with your personal information.
  • Abstract submission will only be made electronically via the submission page of the DFCT2023 website. Please select the proper group or category of your abstract/work for a reviewing purpose. However, the scientific committee reserve their right to reclassify your abstract into the most appropriate group.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged through your e-mail address, and the abstract ID number issued by the scientific committee will be used for future reference and correspondence.
  • Please be advised not to repeat your abstract submission again, if you do not receive the acknowledgement e-mail, but to contact the DFCT2023 conference web administrator’s e-mail at or
  • Should you need any further assistance regarding abstract preparation and submission, please e-mail the DFCT2023 conference web administrator at
  • Withdrawal of your submitted abstract can be done by sending an e-mail to or prior to SEPTEMBER 30, 2023.



Poster Competition Guideline in PDF Format .

Click to download abstract template


Manual for Poster Presentation Competition

To promote academic excellence and research interest the local organizing committee and the scientific committee have agreed to host a poster presentation competition during the international scientific conference of DFCT2023. This competition accepts research works from various areas/disciplines of dentistry, which have never been previously awarded at the national or the international level. Moreover, the works that have already been published or presented elsewhere prior to JANUARY 1, 2023, are not eligible for this competition.

The research prizes will be awarded for the winner, the first runner-up, and the second runner-up at the amount of 7,000, 5,000 and 3,000 Baht, respectively.




Deadline : September 20, 2023


Author Guidelines

  1. The abstract must be written in ENGLISH using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) with the Cordia New, font size 14.
  2. The title must be relevant to the abstract body and does not exceed 18 words with the Cordia New, font size 16, with a capital letter only the first word.
  3. The authors’ first and last names and their affiliations are arranged in the appropriate order with the bold font for the presenter’s name and an asterisk * for the corresponding author.
  4. Affiliation must include Department, Faculty, University, Province, Country with the Cordia New, font size 14, italic
  5. Provide the Corresponding author’s First name Last name (official e-mail address in parenthesis)
  6. The body of the structured abstract that includes Objective(s), Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion must not exceed 300 words. A template of the abstract is available on our website.
  7. Provide 3 – 6 keywords in alphabetical order, separated by a comma, that best describe your research.


Abstract Submission Process

  • Upon entering the submission page of the DFCT2023 conference website for the first time, please follow the submission process carefully and create an account with your institutional e-mail and password along with your personal information.
  • Abstract submission will only be made electronically via the submission page of the DFCT2023 website. Please select the proper group or category of your abstract/work for a reviewing purpose. However, the scientific committee reserve their right to reclassify your abstract into the most appropriate group.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged through your e-mail address, and the abstract ID number issued by the scientific committee will be used for future reference and correspondence.
  • Please be advised not to repeat your abstract submission again, if you do not receive the acknowledgement e-mail, but to contact the DFCT2023 conference web administrator’s e-mail at or
  • Should you need any further assistance regarding abstract preparation and submission, please e-mail the DFCT2023 conference web administrator at
  • Withdrawal of your submitted abstract can be done by sending an e-mail to or prior to SEPTEMBER 30, 2023.

Proceedings Submission

Full Manuscript Submission Guideline for Publication in M Dent J 2023; vol 43: Suppl Issue.

Full manuscript submission Guideline in PDF Format .


On behalf of the local organizing committee, we are delighted to welcome full manuscripts of dental research, English version only. Participants who would like to make their scientific contributions to this conference must submit their full manuscripts via Mahidol Dental Journal website:
 and present their research in an oral presentation format only. The submitted manuscript must be neither previously published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

The decision for your manuscript based on its scientific merit will be made by double-blind three peer-reviewers. The reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author in approximately 2-3 weeks. Please revise and resubmit via Mahidol Dental Journal website. The accepted manuscript will be published as a supplement issue of the Mahidol Dental Journal. Note that submission of similar manuscripts from the same group of researchers is not permitted, or the manuscript submitted after the deadline will not be considered. For further information, please contact Ms. Jannesa Thamwasa Tel. +662-200-7637 e-mail:




Full Manuscript Submission

Deadline : AUGUST 18, 2023


Author Guidelines

Preparation of the full manuscript must strictly follow the author’s guidelines of Mahidol Dental Journal. The manuscript should be editable files including text, figures, and tables. The text and tables in the manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). Page setup should be made on the size of A4 paper (210 x 297 mm). The font should be “Cordia New” size 14 pt. with a 2.5 cm. margin all around and typewritten with 1.5 line spacing. All pages should be numbered at the top right corner. The line numbers should be included on each page (restart the line number on each page). The length of the article should be 6 – 9 pages including a maximum of 3 figures, 3 tables, and 25 references for the original article. (The number of references is not limited to the review article).


Title page

The title page of the article should contain the following information:

  1. Category of the research: Original article, review article, case report, or letter to the editor.
  2. Article title. Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. The title must be relevant to the abstract body and does not exceed 18 words using the Cordia New font size 16, with a capital letter only the first word.
  3. Author names and Institutional affiliations. The author names must appear in the full format: first name and last Indicate all affiliations with a superscript letter immediately after the author’s last name and in front of the appropriate address, including the province and country of each affiliation. If the author is a student, please provide the student’s program and institution. Please use bold font for the presenter’s name and an asterisk * for the corresponding author
  4. Corresponding author. (Full name and Last name, mailing address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address)
  5. Running title. A shortened title version (no more than 80 characters in length, including spaces) should be provided as the running head. Abbreviations are permissible.



The abstract must not exceed 300 words. This should be structured into the following subheadings: Objectives, Materials and methods, Results, and Conclusion. Do not refer to any documents, illustrations, or tables in the abstract.

  1. Objective(s): Indicate the purpose of the study.
  2. Materials and Methods: Describe the setting for the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type of statistical analysis.
  3. Results: Include the outcome of the study and statistical significance, if appropriate.
  4. Conclusion(s): Conclude the study based solely on the results and highlight the novelty of the study.

Please provide 3-6 Keywords, in alphabetical order, from the current Medical Subject Headings (MESH, link: at the end of the abstract in alphabetical order, separated with a comma (,).



Main Text

The main text of the original article should be organized in sections as follows:

  1. Introduction/Objective: Review new documents to show the correlation between the contents of the article and the previous studies. Please clearly summarize the rationale of the study and indicate the working hypothesis and the purposes of the study.
  2. Materials and Methods: Indicate details of materials and methods used in the study for readers to be able to repeat such as chemical product names, types of experimental animals, and details of patients including sources, sex, and age. It must also indicate the names, types, specifications, or other details of materials for each method. The names and locations (town, country) of manufacturers of all equipment and non-generic drugs must be given. For research performed on human subjects, the authors must provide a certificate of approval from the appropriate institutional review board (IRB).
  3. Results: Present the discovery of experiments or research in a logical sequence. It should be categorized and related to the objectives of the articles. The results can be presented in various forms such as words, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc. Use the word ‘Figure’, instead of Fig when mentioned in texts and in the figure Avoid repeating the results both in tables and in paragraphs. Emphasize only important issues.
  4. Discussion: States the significance of the results and limitations of the study. Authors should discuss their findings in the framework of previously published research. They should explain why their results support or contradict existing knowledge. If appropriate, the authors may suggest further research to follow up on their findings.
  5. Conclusion: Conclude the study based solely on the results and highlight the novelty of the study.
  6. Acknowledgments: Indicate the institutes or persons helping the authors, especially on capital sources of research and numbers of research funds (if any). Contribution from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the
  7. Funding sources: Indicate detailed funding sources including the funder’s name, and grant number.


Figures and Tables

All figures must be consecutively numbered in Arabic form and cited in the text. (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figures 3-5, etc.) The figure parts should be labeled with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) using Arial 8-12 pt. The acceptable file formats are .tif, .bmp, and .jpeg with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

Table(s) must be consecutively numbered in Arabic form (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and saved as .doc or .docx. They should be self-contained and complemented, not duplicating the information contained in the text. All abbreviations must be defined in the footnotes. Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶, should be used (in that order), and *, **, *** should be reserved for statistically significant value: p< 0.05 (small p with italic). Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the headings.

The figure or table legends must be concise, and understandable without referring to the text. Include definitions of any symbols used and define/explain all abbreviations and units of measurement. Figure legends begin with the term Figure in regular font, followed by the figure number.




  1. All references must be cited by number in square brackets [ ], and numbered in order of For example. The result of the present study is similar to the previous study by Kim et al [18]. This effect has been widely reported [20-22, 25].
  2. The reference lists should appear at the end of the manuscript in numeric sequence and follow the National Library of Medicine (NLM) format or Vancouver
  3. If there are 6 or fewer authors, list them all. If there are 7 or more, list the first 6 followed by et al. (italic)
  4. The journal name must be abbreviated according to the journal name lists from the website
    . Use the bold and italic font for the journal name.
  5. List the first and last pages in full numbers.
  6. Use of the doi (digital identification object number) after the page number is highly encouraged.


Example of reference style

Schwendicke F, Krois J. Precision dentistry-what it is, where it fails (yet), and how to get there. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Apr;26(4):3395-3403. doi: 10.1007/s00784-022-04420-1.

van Dijk LA, Janssen NG, Nurmohamed SJ, Muradin MSM, Longoni A, Bakker RC, et al. Osteoinductive calcium phosphate with submicron topography as bone graft substitute for maxillary sinus floor augmentation: A translational study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2023 Mar;34(3):177-195. doi: 10.1111/clr.14028.



If your manuscript is accepted, the authors will receive an email notification. When the accepted article is typeset, the corresponding author will receive an email notification to log in to Author Services, where via the
Please note that the author is responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made during the editorial process – authors should check proofs carefully. The proofs should kindly be returned within 72 hours from receipt of the first proof. When the article is published online, the author will receive an email alert and has free access to the paper (.pdf).

SUBMISSION for M Dent J 2023; Vol 43, Issue 2

Manuscript Submission Guideline for Publication in M Dent J 2023; vol 43: Issue 2.


Manuscript Submission Guideline for Publication in M Dent J 2023; vol 43: Issue 2. in PDF Format .


On behalf of the Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand (DFCT), the local organizing committee warmly invites your participation in the DFCT2023 conference by submission of a full manuscript for publication in Mahidol Dental Journal. The full manuscript must be submitted via Mahidol Dental Journal website: and present their research in an oral presentation format only. The submitted manuscript must be neither previously published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

The decision for your manuscript based on its scientific merit will be made by double-blind three peer-reviewers. The reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author in approximately one month. Please revise and resubmit via Mahidol Dental Journal website. The accepted manuscript will be published in Mahidol Dental Journal 2023; vol 43: issue 2. Note that submission of similar manuscripts from the same group of researchers is not permitted, or the manuscript submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

For further information, please contact Ms. Jannesa Thamwasa Tel. +662-200-7637 e-mail:




Manuscript Submission For M Dent J 2023

Deadline : JUNE 30, 2023


Author Guidelines

Preparation of the full manuscript must strictly follow the author’s guidelines of Mahidol Dental Journal: The manuscript should be editable files including text, figures, and tables. The text and tables in the manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). Page setup should be made on the size of A4 paper (210 x 297 mm). The font should be “Cordia New” size 14 pt. with a 2.5 cm. margin all around and typewritten with 1.5 line spacing. All pages should be numbered at the top right corner. The line numbers should be included on each page (restart the line number on each page). The length of the article should be 10 – 12 pages including a maximum of 5 figures, 5 tables, and 40 references for the original article. (The number of references is not limited to the review article).


Title page

The title page of the article should contain the following information:

  1. Category of the research: Original article, review article, case report, or letter to the editor.
  2. Article title. Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. The title must be relevant to the abstract body and does not exceed 18 words using the Cordia New font size 16, with a capital letter only the first word.
  3. Author names and Institutional affiliations. The author names must appear in the full format: first name and last Indicate all affiliations with a superscript letter immediately after the author’s last name and in front of the appropriate address, including the province and country of each affiliation. If the author is a student, please provide the student’s program and institution. Please use bold font for the presenter’s name and an asterisk * for the corresponding author
  4. Corresponding author. (Full name and Last name, mailing address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address)
  5. Running title. A shortened title version (no more than 80 characters in length, including spaces) should be provided as the running head. Abbreviations are permissible.



The abstract must not exceed 300 words. This should be structured into the following subheadings: Objectives, Materials and methods, Results, and Conclusion. Do not refer to any documents, illustrations, or tables in the abstract.

  1. Objective(s): Indicate the purpose of the study.
  2. Materials and Methods: Describe the setting for the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type of statistical analysis.
  3. Results: Include the outcome of the study and statistical significance, if appropriate.
  4. Conclusion(s): Conclude the study based solely on the results and highlight the novelty of the study.

Please provide 3-6 Keywords, in alphabetical order, from the current Medical Subject Headings (MESH, link: at the end of the abstract in alphabetical order, separated with a comma (,).


Main Text

The main text of the original article should be organized in sections as follows:

  1. Introduction/Objective: Review new documents to show the correlation between the contents of the article and the previous studies. Please clearly summarize the rationale of the study and indicate the working hypothesis and the purposes of the study.
  2. Materials and Methods: Indicate details of materials and methods used in the study for readers to be able to repeat such as chemical product names, types of experimental animals, and details of patients including sources, sex, and age. It must also indicate the names, types, specifications, or other details of materials for each method. The names and locations (town, country) of manufacturers of all equipment and non-generic drugs must be given. For research performed on human subjects, the authors must provide a certificate of approval from the appropriate institutional review board (IRB).
  3. Results: Present the discovery of experiments or research in a logical sequence. It should be categorized and related to the objectives of the articles. The results can be presented in various forms such as words, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc. Use the word ‘Figure’, instead of Fig when mentioned in texts and in the figure Avoid repeating the results both in tables and in paragraphs. Emphasize only important issues.
  4. Discussion: States the significance of the results and limitations of the study. Authors should discuss their findings in the framework of previously published research. They should explain why their results support or contradict existing knowledge. If appropriate, the authors may suggest further research to follow up on their findings.
  5. Conclusion: Conclude the study based solely on the results and highlight the novelty of the study.
  6. Acknowledgments: Indicate the institutes or persons helping the authors, especially on capital sources of research and numbers of research funds (if any). Contribution from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the
  7. Funding sources: Indicate detailed funding sources including the funder’s name, and grant number.


Figures and Tables

All figures must be consecutively numbered in Arabic form and cited in the text. (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figures 3-5, etc.) The figure parts should be labeled with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) using Arial 8-12 pt. The acceptable file formats are .tif, .bmp, and .jpeg with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

Table(s) must be consecutively numbered in Arabic form (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and saved as .doc or .docx. They should be self-contained and complemented, not duplicating the information contained in the text. All abbreviations must be defined in the footnotes. Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶, should be used (in that order), and *, **, *** should be reserved for statistically significant value: p< 0.05 (small p with italic). Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the headings.

The figure or table legends must be concise, and understandable without referring to the text. Include definitions of any symbols used and define/explain all abbreviations and units of measurement. Figure legends begin with the term Figure in regular font, followed by the figure number.



  1. All references must be cited by number in square brackets [ ], and numbered in order of For example. The result of the present study is similar to the previous study by Kim et al [18]. This effect has been widely reported [20-22, 25].
  2. The reference lists should appear at the end of the manuscript in numeric sequence and follow the National Library of Medicine (NLM) format or Vancouver
  3. If there are 6 or fewer authors, list them all. If there are 7 or more, list the first 6 followed by et al. (italic)
  4. The journal name must be abbreviated according to the journal name lists from the website Use the bold and italic font for the journal name.
  5. List the first and last pages in full numbers.
  6. Use of the doi (digital identification object number) after the page number is highly encouraged.


Example of reference style

Schwendicke F, Krois J. Precision dentistry-what it is, where it fails (yet), and how to get there. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Apr;26(4):3395-3403. doi: 10.1007/s00784-022-04420-1.

van Dijk LA, Janssen NG, Nurmohamed SJ, Muradin MSM, Longoni A, Bakker RC, et al. Osteoinductive calcium phosphate with submicron topography as bone graft substitute for maxillary sinus floor augmentation: A translational study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2023 Mar;34(3):177-195. doi: 10.1111/clr.14028.



If your manuscript is accepted, the authors will receive an email notification. When the accepted article is typeset, the corresponding author will receive an email notification to log in to Author Services, where via the
Please note that the author is responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made during the editorial process – authors should check proofs carefully. The proofs should kindly be returned within 72 hours from receipt of the first proof. When the article is published online, the author will receive an email alert and has free access to the paper (.pdf).


Manual for Research Competition


Guideline For Research Competition in PDF Format .


To promote academic excellence and research interest within Thai dental schools and to incentivize dental students who have conducted their outstanding research and those who are interested in participating in the competition, the local organizing committee and the scientific committee have agreed to host a research competition during the international scientific conference of DFCT2023. This competition accepts research works from various areas/disciplines of dentistry, performed by eligible dental students from accredited dental schools in Thailand, which have never been previously awarded at the national or the international level. Moreover, the works that have already been published or presented elsewhere prior to JANUARY 1, 2023, are not eligible for this competition.

There are three categories for the competition.

The first is an undergraduate level for the dental students, who are currently enrolling in the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) program, or who have graduated their DDS degree no more than one year at the time of this conference, i.e., not before NOVEMBER 1, 2022.

The second is a postgraduate level for the dental students, who are presently enrolling in the Master degree, the Ph.D. degree, or the Residency programs, or who have just completed their degrees or programs within one year.

The third is a general public such as Dental Student, Postgraduate Student, Dentist, Researcher, Scientist etc.

In each category, the research prizes will be awarded for the winner, the first runner-up, and the second runner-up at the amount of 20,000, 10,000 and 5,000 Baht, respectively.

The submitted research works can be conducted by a group, but only one person from each group is required for oral presentation and Q&A sessions in front of judges and conference attendees. Some criteria for judgement include subject matter, qualities of research and presentation, new findings with clinical relevance, and responses to questions.

The first and second groups of the category groups must submit a letter electronically from his/her Dean to endorse him/her as a representative of his/her dental school (only one representative from each dental school in each category is allowed. The third group does not submit a letter electronically document and No limit the number of persons to competition) along with an electronic submission of an extended abstract for the scientific committee to initially assess for its eligibility, scientific merit, originality/novelty, research design, and language. The preliminary selection and relevant details for the research competition will be announced on SEPTEMBER 25, 2023, via an applicant’s e-mail address. Please be informed that it is the applicant’s sole responsibility to check for an accuracy of his/her works and extended abstract, English spellings and grammar, as the submitted extended abstract will not be edited by the scientific committee. Note that the extended abstract submitted after the deadline will not be considered.




Extended Abstract Submission

Deadline : September 20,2023


Guidelines For Extended Abstract

The overall length of extended abstract is limited to two pages of A4 paper size. The extended abstract must be prepared in ENGLISH using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) with the Cordia New font, size 14 and 1.5 line spacing. Note that two files of your extended abstract (one in the word document format and the other in the pdf format) are required upon submission. The extend abstract must include all of the following details.

  1. The title must be relevant to the abstract body and does not exceed 18 words using the Cordia New, font size 16, with a capital letter only the first word.
  2. The authors’ first and last names and their affiliations are arranged in the appropriate order with the bold font for the presenter’s name and an asterisk * for the corresponding author.
  3. Provide 3 – 6 keywords in alphabetical order, separated by a comma, that best describe your research
  4. The body of extended abstract is divided into four sections as follows;
    1. INTRODUCTION: including background, research question(s), hypothesis/hypotheses, and objective(s).
    2. MATERIALS AND METHODS: including Human Subject or Animal Use Approval, if applicable, techniques, reagents, drugs, animals, etc.
    3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: including “NOVEL” finding(s), result comparisons with those of other previous studies, and explanation why your new findings will make an advancement in dental sciences and/or be applied in clinical dentistry.
    4. CONCLUSION: including definitive conclusion(s) of the study.
    Each section should be written in brief, but sufficiently for the scientific committee and the judges to be able to understand and evaluate the extended abstract.
  5. Some necessary references may be added in the text of your extended abstract using the Arabic numbers with the superscript font (1, 2,…) after punctuations together with a list of these references in short at the end.



  1. All references must be cited by number in square brackets [ ], and numbered in order of For example. The result of the present study is similar to the previous study by Kim et al [18]. This effect has been widely reported [20-22, 25].
  2. The reference lists should appear at the end of the manuscript in numeric sequence and follow the National Library of Medicine (NLM) format or Vancouver
  3. If there are 6 or fewer authors, list them all. If there are 7 or more, list the first 6 followed by et al. (italic)
  4. The journal name must be abbreviated according to the journal name lists from the website Use the bold and italic font for the journal name.
  5. List the first and last pages in full numbers.
  6. Use of the doi (digital identification object number) after the page number is highly encouraged.


Example of reference style

Schwendicke F, Krois J. Precision dentistry-what it is, where it fails (yet), and how to get there. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Apr;26(4):3395-3403. doi: 10.1007/s00784-022-04420-1.

van Dijk LA, Janssen NG, Nurmohamed SJ, Muradin MSM, Longoni A, Bakker RC, et al. Osteoinductive calcium phosphate with submicron topography as bone graft substitute for maxillary sinus floor augmentation: A translational study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2023 Mar;34(3):177-195. doi: 10.1111/clr.14028.

  1. In addition, images, graphs, and tables with legends are allowed to be inserted in the extended abstract, but its total length must not exceed two pages of A4 paper size.


Submission Process Of Extended Abstract

  • Upon entering the submission page of the DFCT2023 conference website for the first time, please register for your new account using your institutional e-mail and password along with your personal information, and then follow the submission process carefully.
  • Submission of the extended abstract will only be made electronically via the submission page of the DFCT2023 website along with a recent photo of the presenter/competitior with high resolution
  • Please select the proper group or category of your work for a reviewing purpose.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged through your e-mail address, and the extended abstract ID number issued by the scientific committee will be used for future reference and correspondence.
  • Please be advised not to repeat your submission again, if you do not receive the acknowledgement email, but to contact the DFCT2023 conference web administrator’s e-mail at or
  • Should you need any further assistance regarding preparation and submission of the extended abstract, please e-mail the DFCT2023 conference web administrator at or
  • Withdrawal of your submitted extended abstract can be done by sending an e-mail to or prior to SEPTEMBER 30, 2023.
  • Substitution of the presenter/competitor or significant changes in the extended abstract after submission or before the competition is strictly prohibited, and any violation would result in disqualification of your competition.
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