Practical Dentistry in COVID-19 Pandemic” Academic Conference on Cisco Webex Meetings
Research/ Observation/ Academic Outcomes
Activity / Lecture
Conference / Meeting
Hidehiko Sano, Abu Faem Mohammad Almas Chowdhury, Pipop Saikaew*, Mariko Matsumoto, Shuhei Hoshika, Monica Yamauti. The microtensile bond strength test: Its historical background and application to bond testing. Japanese Dental Science Review. 2020; 56:24-31.
Research/ Observation/ Academic Outcomes
Activity / Lecture
Conference / Meeting
Effect of mandibular setback surgery and bimaxillary surgery in patients with skeletal class III deformity on pharyngeal airway change by using cone beam computed tomographic measurement. (Mahidol Dental Journal. 2019;39(3):243-55)