On 28 December 1971, Approved by National board of Education, Faculty of Dentistry established community dentistry department (unofficially). Assist.Pisuit Sanghawest was the first Head of department and responsible for community dentistry in DDS program. This is the first dental program which had field work study in rural areas. In 1973, there were only 5 dental students. After that the program course was continues and develop until now.
On 30 November 1981, Community Dentistry unit was raise to community dentistry center (announced by office of the Higher Education Commission: OHEC)
On 29 September 1995, the center was changed to department consonant with Mahidol University Act, B.E.2530
● MSc in Dentistry Major Community Dentistry (International program)
Contact person:
Dr. Piyada Gaewkhiew
E-mail: piyada.gaw@mahidol.edu
Tel. +66-2200-7809
● MSc in Geriatric Dentistry (Thai Program)
○ DTGD 603 Oral Health Promotion and Prevention in Older Persons
○ DTGD 612 Extramural Oral Health Care for Older Persons
The Department of Community Dentistry is responsible for DTCM courses provided to 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th undergraduates
o DTCM 211 Dental Sociology
o DTCM 411 Oral Health Promotion and oral health education
o DTCM 531 Study Visit in Health Delivery System
o DTCM 532 Epidemiology
o DTCM 533 Dental Public Health Administration
o DTCM 552 School Oral Health Programme
o DTCM 642 Extern Field Works
o DTCM 643 Dental Office Administration
○ DTIS 213 Dental Sociology
○ DTIS 233 Oral Health Promotion and Oral Health Education I
○ DTIS 316 Oral Health Promotion and Oral Health Education II
○ DTIS 332 Epidemiology
○ DTIS 402 Dental Public Health Administration
○ DTIS 550 Community Oral Health Program
○ DTIS 602 Dental Office Administration
● Certificate Program in Advance Dental Assistant (2 years Program)
○ DTDA 110 Fourhanded Dentistry
○ DTDA 116 Oral Health Education in Community
○ DTDA 123 Clinical Dental Assisting: Community Dentistry I
○ DTDA 127 Clinical Dental Assisting: Community Dentistry II
○ DTDA 208 Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health System
1.Takehara S, Karawekpanyawong R*, Okubo H, Tun TZ, Ramadhani A, Chairunisa F, Tanaka A, Wright FAC, Ogawa H. Oral Health Promotion under the 8020 Campaign in Japan—A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20: Article number 1883.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 4.614
2.Tussanapirom T*, Siribal P, Trirattanaphinthusorn P, Kengtong W, Gaewkhiew P*. Economic burden of becoming a dentist in Thailand. BDJ Open. 2023;9: Article
number 5.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): –
3.Karawekpanyawong R*, Nohno K, Kubota Y, Ogawa H. Oral Health and Nutritional Intake in Community-Dwelling 90-Year-Old Japanese People: A Cross-Sectional Study. 2023;40: 100-11.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): 2.75
4.Detsomboonrat P, Theppanich S, Banyen S, Hongviphat S, Khamnil Y, Lapauthaya K*, Somboonsavatdee A, Saw Nay Min. Empathy level towards patients among thai dental students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23: Article number 184.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q1 Impact Factor (2022): 3.747
5.Kaewsutha N, Karawekpanyawong R*. Tobacco and e-cigarette use among Thai dental students: A cross-sectional national survey, 2021. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2023;13: 68-74.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q3
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): –
6.Jeamanukulkit S*, Vichayanrat T**, Samnieng P. Effects of the salivary gland massage program in older type 2 diabetes patients on the salivary flow rate, xerostomia, swallowing and oral hygiene: A randomized controlled trial. Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 2023;23: 549-557.
Department: * Master of Science Program in Geriatric Dentistry / ** Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): 3.3
7.Chaianant N, Tussanapirom T*, Kettratad M, Prasertsom P, Vejvithee W, Niyomsilp K, Leelasithorn S, Gaewkhiew P*. Inequalities in dental service utilization among Thai adults from 2000 to 2017. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 2023;51: 660-670.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): 2.3
8.Rakyoo K, Vichayanrat T*, Anunmana C**, Kriengsinyos W, Gaewkhiew P*. Effect of dentures and dietary advice on protein intake in older Thai adults with missing posterior occluding teeth. 2023;40: 382-389.
Department: * Community Dentistry / ** Prosthodontics
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): 2.75
9.da Cunha AR, Compton K, Xu R, Mishra R, Drangsholt MT, Antunes JLF, et al. The Global, Regional, and National Burden of Adult Lip, Oral, and Pharyngeal Cancer in 204 Countries and Territories: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. JAMA oncology. 2023;29: 1401-1416.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q1 Impact Factor (2022): 2.84
10.Deeden S*, Vichayanrat T**, Asvanund Y*, Prapansilp W*, Phonghanyudh A. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards ECC Prevention in Thai Medical Personnel. International Dental Journal. 2023; DOI: 10.1016/j.identj.2023.08.008.
Department: * Pediatric Dentistry / ** Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 3.3
1. Kaewchomphoo K*, Banomyong D*, Ngoenwiwatkul Y**, Pumpaluk P***. Comparison of the Survival Rate Against Fracture of Endodontically Treated Premolars with Exposed Cervical Lesions Restored with Crowns and Resin Composites: A Retrospective Study. European Endodontic Journal. 2022;7: 27-32.
Department: * Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / ** Community Dentistry / *** Advanced General Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2020): Q3
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2020): –
2. Khan M.A, Vichayanrat T*, Ngoenwiwatkul Y*. Oral Health Status and Oral Health-Related Behaviors of Patients Visiting Tertiary Care Hospital in Quetta, Pakistan. Medical Forum Monthly. 2022;33: 2-6.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus SJR (2021): Q4
JCR (2021): – Impact Factor (2021): –
3. Lukssamijarulkul N*, Pongpanich S, Supakunkanti S, Panza A. Cost-effectiveness of school oral health prevention program: a case study of community dentistry, Mahidol University. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2022;20: 11-24.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus SJR (2021): Q4
JCR (2021): – Impact Factor (2021): –
4. Lerdrungroj K*, Banomyong D*, Nakornchai S**, Ngoenwiwatkul Y***, Porkaew P. Outcomes and Predisposing Factors of Two Prophylactic Treatments in Dens Evaginatus Premolars: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Endodontics. 2022;48: 864-871.
Department: * Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / ** Pediatric Dentistry / *** Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q1
JCR (2021): Q1 Impact Factor (2021): 4.422
5. Sipiyaruk K*, Hatzipanagos S, Vichayanrat T**, Reynolds P.A, Gallagher J.E. Evaluating a Dental Public-Health Game across Two Learning Contexts. Education Sciences. 2022;12: Article number 517.
Department: * Orthodontics / ** Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q2
JCR (2021): – Impact Factor (2021): –
6. Pathak B*, Ngoenwiwatkul Y*, Srithamrongsawat S, Taechaboonsermsak P. COMPARISON OF ORAL HEALTH BETWEEN CHILDREN AGED 11-13 YEARS IN NEPAL WITH AND WITHOUT DISABILITIES. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2022;53: 108-121.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q4
JCR (2021): Q4 Impact Factor (2021): 0.209
1. Agrasuta V, Thumbuntu T, Karawekpanyawong R, Panichkriangkrai W, Viriyathorn S, Reeponmaha T, Jaichuen W, Witthayapipopsakul W, Gaewkhiew P, Prasertsom P, Tangcharoensathien V. Progressive realisation of universal access to oral health services: What evidence is needed?. BMJ Global Health. 2021;6:Article number e006556.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 5.558
2. Gaewkhiew P, Sabbah W, Bernabé E. Functional dentition and changes in dietary patterns among older adults in Thailand. Public Health Nutrition. 2021;24:4556-63.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 4.022
3. Phengudom P, Banomyong D, Jirathanyanatt T, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Suksaphar W. Survival rates of unrestorable fracture of endodontically treated anterior teeth restored with resin composites or crowns: A retrospective cohort study. Iranian Endodontic Journal. 2021;16:176-83.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus SJR (2020): Q2
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2019): –
1. Gaewkhiew P, Sabbah W, Bernabé E. Functional dentition and 12-month changes in body measurements among Thai older adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17: Article number 4200.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 2.849
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q1
JCR (2019): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 1.911
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 1.774
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus SJR (2019): Q1
JCR (2019): – Impact Factor (2019): –
1.Danwittayakorn S, Banomyong D, Ongchavalit L, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Porkaew P. Comparison of the Effects of Intraradicular Materials on the Incidence of Fatal Root Fracture in Immature Teeth Treated with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Apexification: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Endodontics. 2019;45:977-84.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q1 Impact Factor (2018): 2.833
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q3 Impact Factor (2018): 1.46
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Source: Scopus / PubMed SJR (2018): Q2
JCR (2018): – Impact Factor (2018): –
1.Nakornchai S, Hopattaraput P, Vichayanrat T. Prevalence, severity and factors associated with dental fluorosis among children aged 8-10 years in Bangkok, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2016;47(5):1105-11.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Community Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Community Dentistry
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Department : Community Dentistry
Department: Community Dentistry / Pediatric Dentistry
1. Gaewkhiew P, Sabbah W, Bernabé E. Does tooth loss affect dietary intake and nutritional status? A systematic review of longitudinal studies. J Dent 2017; 67: 1-8.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
1.Vichayanrat T, Gaewkhiew P, Kasetsuwan R, Kaewsringam H, Lapauthaya K, Khowiboonchai P, Nisaluk P. Oral health status, behaviors and oral health related quality of life among pupils in Border Patrol Police Schools, Thailand. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2016;36(1):31-38.
Department: Community Dentistry / Orthodontics
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Vichayanrat T, Luksamijarulkul N, Gaewkhiew P. Dental students’ reflections on their fieldwork experiences. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(3):221-30.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1. Losupakarn R*, Ngoenwiwatkul Y*, Kettratad M. The evaluation of teaching and learning methods in geriatric dentistry at two public health colleges in Thailand. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2022;27: 61-73.
Department: * Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1. Phengudom P, Banomyong D, Jirathanyanatt T, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Suksaphar W. Palatal remaining coronal cervical tooth structure increases the survival rate from unrestorable fractures in endodontically treated maxillary anterior teeth restored with resin composite restorations: A retrospective cohort study. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2021;41(2):132-8.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
2. Kaewchomphoo K, Banomyong D, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Pumpaluk P. Effect of cervical lesions on the rate of survival without fracture in endodontically treated premolars with exposed proximal cavity and restored with resin composite. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2021;41(3):197-204.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Community Dentistry / Advanced General Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
1.Phranet W, Nakornchai S, Surarit R, Vichayanrat T. Salivary and Plaque Fluoride Level after MU Caries Preventive Program in Daycare Centers. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2017;67:360-9.
Department: Pediatric Dentitstry / Oral Biology / Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Vichayanrat T, Gaewkhiew P, Kasetsuwan R, Kaewsringam H, Lapauthaya K, Khowiboonchai P, Nisaluk P. Oral health status, behaviors and oral health related quality of life among pupils in Border Patrol Police Schools, Thailand. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2016;36(1):31-38.
Department: Community Dentistry / Orthodontics
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Vichayanrat T, Luksamijarulkul N, Gaewkhiew P. Dental students’ reflections on their fieldwork experiences. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(3):221-30.
Department: Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
Department of Community Dentistry
The 50th Anniversary of HRH Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn Building,
13th Floor, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University 6 Yothi Road, Rachathevee , Bangkok 10400
Tel. 0 – 2200 – 7809-10
Fax. 0 – 2200 – 7808
E-mail : yaowaluk.ngo@mahidol.edu
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Comdentmu
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 Hospital (Phayathai Campus) Tel: +662-200-7777 Hospital (Salaya Campus) Tel: +662-849-6600 Office Tel: +662-200-7555 Department Tel: +662-200-7888
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,11th floor Tel: +662-200-7764 E-mail: muddsinter@gmail.com
Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: +66(0)2-200-7634, 7642 E-mail: dtmupostgrad@mahidol.ac.th
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,15th floor Tel: +662-200-7608 E-mail: dtinter@mahidol.ac.th