The Department of Pediatric Dentistry was established in 1969. The objective is to provide teaching and learning in pediatric dentistry to dental students and also provide dental services to patients under 12 years of age. Subsequently, 3 postgraduate programs were offered 1) Higher Graduate Diploma Programme in Dentistry (Pediatric Dentistry) 2) Residency Training Program in Pediatric Dentistry 3) Master of Science Programme in Dentistry (International Programme). The Department also participates in Dental Assistant Program, Dental Technology Certificate Program and Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology.
Pediatric dentistry is a comprehensive dental care provided to patients under 12 years of age. The service includes behavior management, preventive care and restorative care. The service is also extended to special need children.
Optimum child’s oral health and child’s good attitude towards dental health care is an accomplishment of Pediatric dentistry.
Create and develop highly qualify and disciplinary dentist which have certain characteristics include
“Open-minded, foresighted, enthusiastic, moral, conscious of importance in child’s health”
To be a best pediatric department which has international standard enriched with context, dental services and research and to be knowledge network for good family and child’s quality of life
1. To provide an extensive pediatric dentistry education for creative, enthusiastic, energetic and virtuous individual who meet international standard
2. To encourage and support international pediatric dentistry research for creation of new knowledge, evolution and application
3. To develop and provide dental services and education for better child’s oral health
4. To encourage and maintain tradition, culture and value of Thai society
5. To manage in effective, justify and transparent way by using appropriate technology
1. To produce highly qualify and disciplinary pediatric dentist
2. To generate standardized pediatric dental research which benefit the quality of life in Thai society
3. To give knowledge, education and high quality standardized dental service
4. To position pediatric dental department as knowledge hub by developing an excellent pediatric dentistry information system
5. To improve efficiency and modernize the context, research, social service and administrative system by applying new technology
6. To enhance effectiveness, transparency and justification in administration
7. To preserve culture and emphasize on benefit of the society
– คลินิกในเวลาราชการ (9.00-16.00 น.)
– คลินิกนอกเวลาราชการ (วันจันทร์ – ศุกร์ เวลา 16.30-20.00 น. และวันเสาร์ เวลา 9.00 – 16.00 น.)
1. Residency Training Program in Pediatric Dentistry
2. Master of Science Programme in Dentistry (International Programme)
• 3 วิธีง่ายๆ ตรวจการแปรงฟันของลูก •
• ถ้าไม่อยากฟันผุแบบนี้ เลิกขวดนม ตอนไหนดี •
• ปรึกษาทันตแพทย์ออนไลน์ •
• ปริมาณยาสีฟันของเด็กแต่ละวัย •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย เด็กแรกเกิด – 6 เดือน •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย 6 เดือน – 1 ปี (เริ่มมีฟันซี่แรก) •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย 1 ปี – 3 ปี (ฟันน้ำนมครบ 20 ซี่) •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย 3 ปี – 6 ปี •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย 6-12 ปี (เริ่มเปลี่ยนเป็นฟันแท้) •
• การดูแลสุขภาพช่องปาก ของเจ้าตัวน้อย •
• ฟันแท้หน้าล่างขึ้นซ้อนฟันน้ำนม ควรทำอย่างไรดี •
• การใช้สายรัดมือช่วยในการจับแปรงสีฟัน •
คุยกับหมอ ตอน : เด็ก 4 ขวบ ถูกถอนฟัน เพราะขวดนม
คุยกับหมอ ตอน : เด็ก 4 ขวบ ถูกถอนฟัน เพราะขวดนม 2
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน ฟันซี่แรก
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน แผลร้อนในภายในปากสำหรับเด็ก
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน อย่ามองข้ามฟันน้ำนม (ผุ)
ตอนที่ 1-2
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน ฟลูออไรด์สำหรับเด็ก
ตอนที่ 1-2
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน เมื่อลูกรักกลัวหมอฟัน
รายการเพื่อฟันที่คุณรัก ตอน การเคลือบหลุมร่องฟัน
ตอนที่ 1-2
ภาควิชาทันตกรรมเด็กจัดการบรรยายพิเศษ หัวข้อ
“Experience and Practical Care for Children with Medically Compromised Conditions and
Systemic Health Issues” โดย Visiting Professor Prof. Marcio da Fonseca University of Illinois Chicago
เมื่อวันที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2567
1. Treeratweerapong Y, Nakornchai S, Jirarattanasopha V. Effectiveness of applying proximal enamel caries with fluoride-releasing sealant and fluoride varnish on caries progression in permanent teeth: A 12-month
split-mouth randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2023;33:30-9.
2. Ariyavutikul W, Jirarattanasopha V, Duangthip D, Sherry Shiqian Gao. Psychometric properties of the Thai version of the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2023;33:113-23.
3. Manopetchkasem A, Srimaneekarn N, Leelataweewud P, Smutkeeree A. Influence of past advanced behavior guidance experience on parental acceptance for autistic individuals in the dental setting. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23: Article number 23.
4. Diana Cunha, Nayara Souza, Manuela Moreira, Nara Rodrigues, Paulo Silva, Cristiane Franca, Horsophonphong S, Ashley Sercia, Ramesh Subbiah, Anthony Tahayeri, Jack Ferracane, Pamela Yelick, Vicente Saboia, Luiz Bertassoni. 3D-printed microgels supplemented with dentin matrix molecules as a novel biomaterial for direct pulp capping. Clin Oral Investig. 2023;27:1215-25.
5.Panyarat C, Nakornchai S, Chintakanon K, Leelaadisorn N, Intachai W, Olsen B, Tongsima S, Adisornkanj P, Ngamphiw C, Cox T.C, Kantaputra P. Rare Genetic Variants in Human APC Are Implicated in Mesiodens and Isolated Supernumerary Teeth. Int J Mol Sci. 2023;24: Article number 4255
6.Wimolsantirungsri K, Asvanund Y, Mitrakul K, Laovanitch Srisatjaluk R. EFFECT OF BOVINE AND PLANT-BASED MILKS ON STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS BIOFILM FORMATION, BIOFILM PH LEVEL AND ENAMEL DEMINERALIZATION IN HUMAN PRIMARY TEETH. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2023;54:71-86.
7. Sirivichayakul P, Jirarattanasopha V, Phonghanyudh A, Tunlayadechanont P, Khumsub P, Duangthip D. The effectiveness of topical fluoride agents on preventing development of approximal caries in primary teeth: a randomized clinical trial. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23: Article number 349.
8. Pongvaramitchai P, Nakornchai S, Apipan B. Effect of an N95 respirator and a surgical mask-covered N95 on the cardiovascular responses of dentists treating paediatric patients: A crossover clinical trial. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2023;33: 315-24.
9. Torsakul P, Rirattanapong P, Prapansilp W, Vongsavan K. Remineralization effect of calcium glycerophosphate in fluoride mouth rinse on eroded human enamel: An in vitro study. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2023;13: 327-32.
10. Lerdrungroj K, Banomyong D, Songtrakul K,Porkaew P, Nakornchai S. Current Management of Dens Evaginatus Teeth Based on Pulpal Diagnosis. Journal of Endodontics. 2023;49:1230-37.
11. Cristiane M. Franca, Avathamsa Athirasala, Ramesh Subbiah, Anthony Tahayeri, Prakash Selvakumar, Amin Mansoorifar, Sivaporn Horsophonphong, Ashley Sercia, Lina Nih, Luiz E. Bertassoni. High-Throughput Bioprinting of Geometrically-Controlled Pre-Vascularized Injectable Microgels for Accelerated Tissue Regeneration. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2023;12: Article number 2202840.
12. Surarit R, Jiradethprapai K, Lertsatira K, Chanthongthitic J, Teanchai C, Horsophonphong S. Erosive potential of vitamin waters, herbal drinks, carbonated soft drinks, and fruit juices on human teeth: An in vitro investigation. Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects. 2023;17:129-35.
13. Torsakul P, Rirattanapong P, Prapansilp W. The remineralization effect of calcium glycerophosphate in fluoride mouth rinse on demineralized primary enamel: An in vitro study. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2023;13:410-5.
14. Deeden S, Vichayanrat T, Asvanund Y, Prapansilp W, Phonghanyudh A. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards ECC Prevention in Thai Medical Personnel. International Dental Journal. 2023; DOI: 10.1016/j.identj.2023.08.008. (Open Access)
15. Gultangvattana P, Chutabhakdikul N, Leelataweewud P, Smutkeeree A, Jirarattanasopha V. Association of temperament with oral health behaviour and caries status in Thai preschool children. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2023; DOI: 10.1111/ipd.13106. (Open Access)
16. Mekkriangkrai D, Nakornchai S, Jirarattanasopha V. Success Rate and Related Factors of Vitapex Pulpectomy in Primary Teeth: A Retrospective Study. European Journal of Dentistry. 2023;17:1163-9.
17. Rawiwet V, Vijitruth R, Thonabulsombat C, Vongsavan K, Sritanaudomchai H. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell Transplantation in Sprague–Dawley Rats with Sensorial Neural Hearing Loss. European Journal of Dentistry. 2023;17:1207-14.
1. Chestsuttayangkul Y, Lertsooksawat W, Horsophonphong S. Efficacy of Dental Barrisers in Aerosol and Splatters Reduction During an Ultrasonic Scaling: An In-vitro Study.J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2022;12(1):71-7.
2. Padthaisong P, Prapansilp W, Rirattanapong P. A tactile graphic book with Braille and audio use improved plaque score and toothbrushing performance in visually impaired individuals. Spec Care Dentist 2022;42:456-63.
3. Kasemkhun P, Smutkeeree A, Jirarattanasopha V. A retrospective comparison of dental treatment under general anesthesia versus non-pharmacological approach in patient with special health care needs. J Dent Sci 2022;17(3) 1238-43
4. Lerdrungroj K, Banomyong D, Nakornchai S, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Porkaew P. Outcomes and Predisposing Factors of Two Prophylactic Treatments in Dens Evaginatus Premolars: A Retrospective Study. J Endod 2022;48(7):864-871 doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2022.04.004
5. Kasemkhun P, Smutkeeree A, Jirarattanasopha V. Characteristics and Predicting Factors of Repeat Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia in Patients with Special Health Care Needs: A Retrospective Study. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X 2022;15(3)776-70.
6. Tantikalchan S, Mitrakul K. Association between Bifidobacterium and Scardovia Wiggsiae and caries-related factors in severe early childhood caries and caries-free Thai children: a quantitative real-time PCR analysis and a questionnaire cross-sectional study. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2022;23(3):437-447
doi: 10.1007/s40368-022-00702-0.
7.Phonghanyudh A, Duangthip D, Mabangkhru S, Jirarattanasopha V. Is Silver Diamine Fluoride Effective in Arresting Enamel Caries? A Randomized Clinical Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19(15):8992.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph19158992.
8. Mitrakul K, Iamthanaporn N, Srisatjaluk R. Comparison of Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus Levels and Dental Health before and for 1 year after Comprehensive Dental Treatment under general Anesthesia among Children with Severe Dental Caries. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2022;53(3) :1-19
9. Tran PT, Leelataweewud P, Smutkeeree A, Truong NNV. Parental Acceptance of Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dental Patients and Associated Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X 2022;15(3)1217-22.
1. Samdrup T, Kijsamanmith K, Vongsavan K, Rirattanapong P, Vongsavan N. The effect of inferior nerve block anesthesia of 4% articaine and epinehrine 1:100,000 on blood flow and anesthesia of human mandibular teeth. Journal of Dental Sciences 2021;16: 249-55.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
2. Asvanund Y, Riratanapong P, Akulchakit W. Flouride release and recharge ability of glass-ionomer and fluoride releasing resin-based tooth sealant. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2021;52(1): 70-6.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
3. Leelataweewud P, Jirarattanasopha V, Ungchusak C, Vejvithee W .Psychometric evaluation of the Thai version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (TH-ECOHIS): a cross sectional validation study. BMC Oral Health 2021;21:64
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
4. Phonghanyudh A, Thana-olarn C, Teanchai C, Jirarattanasopha V. Microhardness of sub-restoration dentine in primary molars after carious tissue removal to soft and firm dentine. Pediatric Dental Journal 2021;31:60-6.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
5. Tangnuntachai N, Smutkeeree A, Jirarattanasopha V, Leelataweewud P. Visual pedagogy-guided toothbrushing training to enhance fine motor skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities and impaired fine motor skills. Spec Care Dentist 2021;41:579-587.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
6. Horsophonphong S, Chestsuttayangkul Y, Surarit R, Lertsooksawat W. Efficacy of extraoral suction devices in aerosol and splatter reduction during ultrasonic scaling: A laboratory investigation. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2021;15(3):197-202.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
7. Horsophonphong S, Sritanaudomchai H, Nakornchai S, Kitkumthorn N, Surarit R. Odontogenic gene expression profile of human dental pulp-derived cells under high glucose influence: a microarray analysis J Appl Oral Sci. 2021;29:e20201074.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
8. Nagsuwanchart P , Nakornchai S, Thaweboon S , Surarit R. Mogroside, palatinose, erythritol, and xylitol differentially affect dental plaque pH in cariesactive and caries-free children: An in vitro study.Pediatric Dental Journal,
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
9. Kasemkhun P, Rirattanapong P. The efficacy of non-fluoridated toothpastes on artificial enamel caries in primary teeth: An in vitro study. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2021;11:397-401.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
10. Gao SS, Amarquaye G, Arrow P, Bansal K, Bedi R, Campus G, Chen KJ, Chibinski ACR, Chinzorig T, Crystal YO, Duangthip D, Ferri ML, Folayan MO, Garidkhuu A, Hamama HH, Jirarattanasopha V, Kemoli A, Leal SC, Leelataweewud P, Mathur VP, Mfolo T, Momoi Y, Potgieter N, Tezvergil-Mutluay A, Lo ECM and Chu CH . Global Oral Health Policies and Guidelines: Using Silver Diamine Fluoride for Caries Control. Frontiers in Oral Health 2021;2:Article 685557 doi:10.3389/froh.2021.685557.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
11. Kumprasert P, Prapansilp W, Rirattanapong P. Video games, audiovisual, and conventional distractions
for pediatric dental patients: A crossover randomized controlled clinical trial. M Dent J 2021;41(3):255-234
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
12. Rirattanapong P, Chinajitphan N. Compound odontoma in the primary dentition: A case report
of a 4-year-old girl. M Dent J 2021;41(3):219-224
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
1. Nakrathok P, Kijsamanmith K, Vongsavan K, Rirattanapong P, Vongsavan N. The effect of selective carious tissue removal and cavity treatments on the residual intratubular bacteria in coronal dentine. J Dent Sci 2020;15:411-8.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
A randomized clinical trial to arrest dentin caries in young children using silver diamine fluoride. J Dent. 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103375.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
1. Rirattanapong P, Rirattanapong O. Fluoride content of commercially available rice milk products in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2019; 50(6): 1220-3.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
1.Siripokkapat K, Nakornchai S, Vichayanrat T. Comparison of giomer and fluoride releasing resin sealants in caries prevention among primary molars. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2018;49:527-36.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Community Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Microbiology / Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Department: Community Dentistry / Pediatric Dentistry
1. Vongsavan K, Rirattanapong P, Surarit R. Association between milk temperature and microhardness of enamel caries. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2017; 48: 1140-4.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Source: WOS / Scopus
Department: Oral Microbiology / Pediatric Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Research Office
Source: WOS
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Microbiology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Research Office
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: WOS / Scopus
1.Mitrakul K, Asvanund Y, Arunakul M, Srisuchat N, Chotthanakarn N, Praisuwanna N, Luckamnuyporn N. Assessing associations between caries prevalence and body mass index and nutritional data among children aged 6-12 years. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2016;47(1):152-9.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Community Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Research Office
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Microbiology
1.Hirunnopcharoen T*, Prapansilp W**, Rirattanapong P**. Effect of fluoride-containing resin sealant on the subsurface enamel microhardness of artificial incipient caries lesions: an in vitro study. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2023;43(2): 87-96.
Department: * Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
2.Putthanuparp T*, Rirattanapong P*, Ruangsawasdi N**. The cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles on human gingival fibroblast cells: An in vitro study. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2023;43(3): 107-114.
Department: * Pediatric Dentistry / ** Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 2
1. Horsophonphong S*, Malulim S**, Yuthanarong O**, Tuwaemah T**, Siribunlong N**, Nakornchai S*. Dissemination of the splatter generated during resin-based and glass ionomer sealant application procedures. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2022;42(1): 39-46.
Department: * Pediatric Dentistry / ** Dental Student
Source: TCI Tier 2
2. Lertsooksawat W*, Horsophonphong S**, Chestsuttayangkul Y. A novel negative airflow aerosol chamber minimized aerosol transmission during ultrasonic scaling: A laboratory investigation. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2022;42(1): 47-54.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
3. Horsophonphong S*, Nuchit S**, Hayibueraheng N**, Natkunanon P**, Tansiri P**, Puengsurin D***, Surarit R***. Estimation of fluoride concentrations and pH values of commercially available vitamin water in Bangkok, Thailand. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2022;42(2): 97-108.
Department: * Pediatric Dentistry / ** Dental Student / ** Oral Biology
Source: TCI Tier 2
1. Yawilat P, Niamsiri N, Surarit R, Phonghanyudh A. Effect of different molecular weight of chitosan mouthwash formulations against Streptococcus mutans. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2021;41(3):205-12.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Source: TCI Tier 2
2. Kumprasert P, Prapansilp W, Rirattanapong P. Video games, audiovisual, and conventional distractions for pediatric dental patients: A crossover randomized controlled clinical trial. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2021;41(3):225-34.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
3. Rirattanapong P, Chinajitphan N. Compound odontoma in the primary dentition: A case report of a 4-year-old girl. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2021;41(3):219-24. Case Report
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
1.Areethamsirkul A, Nakornchai S, Apipan B. Efficacy of Articaine Infiltration for Pulp Treatment in Mandibular Primary Molars: A Randomized Split-mouth Clinical Trial. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2019;69:361-8.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Source: TCI Tier 1
2.Angkatawanich M, Nakornchai S. Caries Status and Risk Factors in 18 – 36 -Month-Old Children Attended Well Baby Clinic at Bangkok Metropolitan Administration General Hospital. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2019;69:398-409.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Banditsing P, Nakornchai S, Owattanapanich D. Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Cleaning Ability of Various Root Canal lrrigants in Primary Teeth. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2018;68:302-8.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Prapansilp W, Rirattanapong P, Surarit R, Vongsavan K. Fluoride Release from Different Powder Liquid Ratios of Fuji VII. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2017; 37:217-22.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Source: TCI Tier 1
2.Ingsakulrungruang P, Nakornchai S, Tuongratanaphan S. Distribution and Factors Influencing Turnover Intention of Dental Specialists in Thailand. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2017;67:343-59.
Department: Pediatric Dentitstry
Source: TCI Tier 1
3.Phranet W, Nakornchai S, Surarit R, Vichayanrat T. Salivary and Plaque Fluoride Level after MU Caries Preventive Program in Daycare Centers. Journal of the Dental Association of Thailand. 2017;67:360-9.
Department: Pediatric Dentitstry / Oral Biology / Community Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Vongsavan K, Surarit R, Rirattanapong P. Fluoride content of beverage drinks containg collagen. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2016;36(1):25-30.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology
Source: TCI Tier 1
2.Asavanund P, Mitrakul K, Chindasombatjaroen J. Dental students’ choice of specialties and programs for post graduate education: Data from nine dental schools. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2016;36(2):183-97.
Department: Prosthodontics / Pediatric Dentistry / Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Source: TCI Tier 1
The 50th Anniversary of HRH Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn Building, 13th Floor.
Tel : 0-2200-7821-2
Fax : 02-200-7820
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 Hospital (Phayathai Campus) Tel: +662-200-7777 Hospital (Salaya Campus) Tel: +662-849-6600 Office Tel: +662-200-7555 Department Tel: +662-200-7888
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,11th floor Tel: +662-200-7764 E-mail:
Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: +66(0)2-200-7634, 7642 E-mail:
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,15th floor Tel: +662-200-7608 E-mail: