MIES 2019



February 15, 2019 – Abstract Submission Site Opens

Mar 15, 2019          – Abstract Submission Site Closes

Mar 25, 2019          – Abstract Notifications Emailed to Presenters

April 10, 2019         – Presenter Pre-registration Deadline




Original article, or case series/report is acceptable.


Titles: Abstract titles are limited to 20 words or less. The title should be dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive, and should be entered in title case format, AP format.


Authors: Enter first (given) name, and last (family/surname) name for each author plus institution/affiliation. One person must be identified (*) as the presenting author.


Abstract Text: All abstracts should be 300 words or less. When composing your text, be sure to use a word processor (MS Word, save as .doc or .docx) in order to save your abstract.


Please submit abstract to



The poster session will be held at Level 4. Use the schedule below for mounting, presenting and removing posters:


Poster Set-up Time: 12.00 pm – 1.30 p.m., May 1, 2019


Presentation Date: May 1-3, 2019


Poster Tear-down Time: May 3, 2019; all poster must be removed after the end of session at 5 pm.



You are required to stay at your poster at the assigned presentation time (if indicated). Co-authors and/or mentors may be available to assist in answering questions; however, they should not present the poster.

You must set up and tear down your poster during the designated times. Posters must remain up until the time specified.

The committees will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the stated hours.

Presenters are requested to have copies of their presentation (in A4 size) available as handouts. This is not mandatory, just an option for the presenter, to increase the impact of the presentation.



Poster Size and Design


Use the following instructions when preparing your poster:


  • Dimensions of the poster board are 90 cm width x 150 cm height, and the board will be used in a vertical alignment. Please include your presentation number # (provided in the notification email) in the top right corner in your poster materials; make it large enough to make it easy for people to find your presentation.


  • Your heading display should include your “presentation number” of the abstract, title, author(s), and affiliation(s). Please attach a photograph of yourself to the poster so that other participants can recognize you as the presenter.


  • Styles in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photography are not restricted. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear visible graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors on white background, or rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.


Pushpins, Velcro or tape to adhere your poster to the board are provided on site.



Three best poster will be awarded by committee judges.  To be winner of best poster award.


MIES 2019



February 15, 2019 – Abstract Submission Site Opens

Mar 15, 2019          – Abstract Submission Site Closes

Mar 25, 2019          – Abstract Notifications Emailed to Presenters

April 10, 2019         – Presenter Pre-registration Deadline




Original article, or case series/report is acceptable.


Titles: Abstract titles are limited to 20 words or less. The title should be dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive, and should be entered in title case format, AP format.


Authors: Enter first (given) name, and last (family/surname) name for each author plus institution/affiliation. One person must be identified (*) as the presenting author.


Abstract Text: All abstracts should be 300 words or less. When composing your text, be sure to use a word processor (MS Word, save as .doc or .docx) in order to save your abstract.


Please submit abstract to



The poster session will be held at Level 4. Use the schedule below for mounting, presenting and removing posters:


Poster Set-up Time: 12.00 pm – 1.30 p.m., May 1, 2019


Presentation Date: May 1-3, 2019


Poster Tear-down Time: May 3, 2019; all poster must be removed after the end of session at 5 pm.



You are required to stay at your poster at the assigned presentation time (if indicated). Co-authors and/or mentors may be available to assist in answering questions; however, they should not present the poster.

You must set up and tear down your poster during the designated times. Posters must remain up until the time specified.

The committees will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the stated hours.

Presenters are requested to have copies of their presentation (in A4 size) available as handouts. This is not mandatory, just an option for the presenter, to increase the impact of the presentation.



Poster Size and Design


Use the following instructions when preparing your poster:


  • Dimensions of the poster board are 90 cm width x 150 cm height, and the board will be used in a vertical alignment. Please include your presentation number # (provided in the notification email) in the top right corner in your poster materials; make it large enough to make it easy for people to find your presentation.


  • Your heading display should include your “presentation number” of the abstract, title, author(s), and affiliation(s). Please attach a photograph of yourself to the poster so that other participants can recognize you as the presenter.


  • Styles in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photography are not restricted. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear visible graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors on white background, or rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.


Pushpins, Velcro or tape to adhere your poster to the board are provided on site.



Three best poster will be awarded by committee judges.  To be winner of best poster award.

Post Views: 370