Department of Pharmacology was established on June 7, 1968 following the establishment of Phayathai Faculty of Dentistry by Royal Decree. Our department is currently located at the Pre- Clinic building, 8th floor. We provide Pharmacology education emphasis on dental drugs and oral lesions treatment. Currently, we offer Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctoral Degree and Diploma Certificate in variety of Dental Pharmacy study options. In addition, we provide information and knowledge of drugs used in dentistry, materials for department members, as well as encourage research and innovation to benefit society and the dental consumables market. We focus on sustainable research that results in invention of products that are beneficial to the prevention of oral diseases in the elderly.
Pharmacology for education, research and new innovative creation for society
Excellent learning, outstanding research and information technology management for producing leadership in society.
Modern and global standard for education and research in dental pharmacology
1. Provide pharmacology discipline for undergraduate, master and doctoral program, as well as, dental specialty training program.
2. Develop information technology in education to fulfill outcome based learning.
1. Initiate novel knowledge from world class research and innovation, which give benefits to social and in commerce.
2. Expand research collaboration, especially in the dental application field such as herbal medicine and pharmaceutical dentistry for prevention and treatment oral diseases
3. Promote research relating to national policy such as geriatric research
Community service
1. Offer valued community service for developing the country.
1. To produce quality graduates equipped with sound knowledge of dentistry, morality and bioethical skills
2. To develop research aiming to search for new knowledge beneficial for teaching and learning corresponding to the national policies for the benefits of society targeting for sustainable development
3. To provide academic service in Pharmacology to dental organizations and professional personnel by incorporating findings from research and state-of-the-art technology
P : Proactive สร้างงานเชิงรุก
H : Happiness สร้างสุขร่วมใจ
A : Awakening ตื่นรู้ทันสมัย
R : Research Innovation วิจัยนวัตกรรม
M : Merit ยึดคุณธรรมนำชีวิต
รายวิชา ปีการศึกษา 2555
รหัสวิชา | รายวิชา | ชั้นปี |
DTPM 331 | General Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology | 3 |
DTPM 341 | Prescription Writing and Dental Drug Preparation | 3 |
DTPM 431 | Antimicrobial Agents | 4 |
DTPM 432 | Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System & Autonomic Nervous System | 4 |
DTPM 433 | Analgesics and Drug Affecting on Inflammation | 4 |
DTPM 441 | Medical Pharmacology | 4 |
DTPM 661 | Applied Pharmacology for Dentistry | 6 |
DTPM 662 | Review of Drugs in Dentistry | 6 |
รหัสวิชา | รายวิชา | ชั้นปี |
DTID 332 | Cariology II | 3 |
DTID 342 | Pain Management II : Local Anesthetic in Dentistry | 3 |
DTID 442 (PBL) | Inflammation and Wound Healing Seminar | 6 |
DTID 635 | Geriatric Dentistry | 6 |
DTID 639 | Pain Management II : Pain and Anxiety Control in Dental Practice | 6 |
รหัสวิชา | รายวิชา | ชั้นปี |
DTSD 403* | Basic Oral Biology (Pharmacology) | 4 |
DTSD 407* | General Pharmacology | 4 |
(ตั้งแต่ปีการศึกษา 2550-2555)
รหัสวิชา | รายวิชา |
ทพผส 515 | ชีววิทยาช่องปาก |
ทพผส 515 | ชีววิทยาช่องปาก 1 |
ทพผส 516 | ชีววิทยาช่องปาก 2 |
DTID 515 | Oral Biology I |
DTID 516 | Oral Biology II |
DTPM 540 | Pharmacology and Dental Therapeutics |
DTID 542 | Principle Techniques in Oral Science |
DTID 550 | Laboratory Techniques in Oral Science |
DTHD 571 | Oral Medicine and Dental Pharmacology |
DTID 602 | Applied Oral Sciences |
DTID 623 | Laboratory Techniques In Oral Biology Research |
DTPT 671 | Applied Oral Biology |
DTED 672 | Advanced Endodontics Seminar |
DTOP 701 | Biology of Oral Tissues |
DTHD 714 | Oral Diagnosis and Dental Pharmacology |
DTID 715 | Oral Biology III |
DTMD 718 | Sedation and Drugs Used in Dentistry |
DTSU 722 | Oral and Maxillofacial Infection |
DTOS 731 | Pharmacology for Oral Medicine |
DTED 732 | Endodontic Seminar II |
DTED 734-735 | Endodontics Seminar 4-5 |
ทพทพ 771 | เวชศาสตร์ช่องปากและเภสัชวิทยาทางทันตกรรม |
DTPT 824 | Gerontology and Geriatric Dentistry |
ภาควิชาเภสัชวิทยา ได้รับผลการประเมินการปฏิบัติงาน ประจำปี 2560 ในระดับ ดีเด่น
ภาควิชาเภสัชวิทยา ได้รับผลการประเมินการปฏิบัติงาน ประจำปี 2560 ในระดับ ดีเด่น
ฝ่ายวิจัยขอแสดงความยินดีที่ภาควิชาเภสัชวิทยา สร้างผลงานวิจัยให้แก่คณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ได้เป็นอันดับที่สูงที่สุดในช่วงปี 2558 ที่ผ่านมา
1.Watcharadulyarat N, Rattanatayarom M, Ruangsawasdi N*, Patikarnmonthon N. PEG–PLGA nanoparticles for encapsulating ciprofloxacin. Scientific Reports. 2023;13: Article number 266.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 4.997
2.Srihirun S*, Sriwantana T, Srichatrapimuk S, Vivithanaporn P, Kirdlarp S, Sungkanuparph S, Phusanti S, Nanthatanti N, Suwannalert P, Sibmooh N. Increased platelet activation and lower platelet-monocyte aggregates in COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia. PLoS ONE. 2023;18: Article number e0282785.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 3.752
3.Poommarapan K, Rummaneethorn P, Srisubat A, Suwanpidokkul N, Leenutaphong P, Nararatwanchai T, Srihirun S*, Phetchengkao W, Suriyachan K, Tancharoen S*. Gene Profiling of Cannabis-sativa-mediated Apoptosis in Human Melanoma Cells. Anticancer research. 2023;43: 1221-37.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q2
JCR (2022): Q4 Impact Factor (2022): 2.435
4.Sehgal V, Ruangsawasdi N*, Kiattavorncharoen S**, Bencharit S, Thanasrisuebwong P***. Occlusive and Proliferative Properties of Different Collagen Membranes—An In Vitro Study. 2023;16: Article number 1657.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / *** Dental Implant Center
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q2
JCR (2022): Q3 Impact Factor (2022): 3.748
5.Leenutaphong P, Tancharoen S*, Kikuchi K, Nararatwanchai T, Phruksaniyom C*, Chaichalotornkul S. Downregulation of Tumor Promotor Genes in Oryza Sativa Linn.-Induced Antiproliferative Activity of Human Squamous Carcinoma Cells. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2023;24: 2431-2438.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2022): Q3
JCR (2022): – Impact Factor (2022): –
6.Parakaw T*, Ruangsawasdi N*, Dararat P*, Phruksaniyom C*, Srihirun S*, Petchmedyai P. Biocompatibility and biofilm formation on conventional and CAD/CAM provisional implant restorations. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23: Article number 718.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 2.9
7.Smittiset B*, Banomyong D*, Ruangsawasdi N**, Kaewprag J*. In vitro bactericidal efficacy of a new triple antibiotic paste formulation against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. Australian Endodontic Journal. 2023;49: 9-17.
Department: * Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / ** Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q2
JCR (2022): Q4 Impact Factor (2022): 2.9
8.Ruangsawasdi N*, Boonnak N, Pruksaniyom C*, Rodanant P**. Xanthones Isolated from Cratoxylum cochinchinensis Reduced Oxidative Stress in Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023;24: Article number 14675.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Advanced General Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q1 Impact Factor (2022): 5.6
9.Zhang R, Ruangsawasdi N*, Pumpaluk P**, Yuan Q, Peng Y, Seriwatanachai D***. Bone regeneration property of tooth-derived bone substitute prepared chairside for periodontal bone defects: an experimental study. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23: Article number 863.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Advanced General Dentistry / *** Oral Biology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 2.9
10.Songsaad AT*, Thairat S**, Seemaung P, Thongsuk A, Balit T, Ruangsawasdi N***, Phruksaniyom C***, Gonmanee T, White KL, Thonabulsombat C. Characterization of neural stem cells derived from human stem cells from the apical papilla undergoing three-dimensional neurosphere induction. Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2023;31: Article number e20230209
Department: * Anatomy / ** Reserch Office / *** Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): Q2 Impact Factor (2022): 2.7
11.Tran ATL, Sukajintanakarn C, Senawongse P*, Sritanaudomchai H**, Ruangsawasdi N***, Lapthanasupkul P****, Kitkumthorn N**, Monmaturapoj N, Khamsut C, Naruphontjirakul P, Pongprueksa P*. Influence of Lithium- and Zinc-Containing Bioactive Glasses on Pulpal Regeneration. European Journal of Dentistry. 2023;17 :1120-1128.
Department: * Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / ** Oral Biology / *** Pharmacology / **** Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Source: Scopus SJR (2022): Q1
JCR (2022): – Impact Factor (2022): –
1. Takada S, Setoyama K, Norimatsu K, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Tani A, Nakakogawa T, Matsuzaki R, Matsuoka T, Sakakima H, Tancharoen S*, Maruyama I, Tanaka E, Kikuchi K, Uchikado H. E8002 Reduces Adhesion Formation and Improves Joint Mobility in a Rat Model of Knee Arthrofibrosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23: Article number 1239.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q1 Impact Factor (2020): 5.924
2. Chestsuttayangkul Y, Lertsooksawat W*, Horsophonphong S**. Efficacy of dental barriers in aerosols and splatters reduction during an ultrasonic scaling: An in-vitro study. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2022;12: 71-77.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Pediatric Dentistry
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2020): Q2
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2020): –
3. Vajrabhaya L, Korsuwannawong S*, Ruangsawasdi N**, Phruksaniyom C**, Srichan R*. The efficiency of natural wound healing and bacterial biofilm inhibition of Aloe vera and Sodium Chloride toothpaste preparation. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 2022;22(1): Article number 66.
Department: * Research Office / ** Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2020): –
4. Watcharadulyarat N, Rattanatayarom M, Ruangsawasdi N*, Hongdilokkul N, Patikarnmonthon N. Dextran-Based Nanoparticles for Encapsulation of Ciprofloxacin. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022;2175(1): Article number 012006.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2020): Q4
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2020): –
5. Srikawnawan W, Songsaad A*, Gonmanee T, Thonabulsombat C, Phruksaniyom C**, White KL, Ruangsawasdi N**. Rho kinase inhibitor induced human dental pulp stem cells to differentiate into neurons. Life Sciences. 2022;300: Article number 120566.
Department: * Anatomy / ** Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q1
JCR (2021): Q1 Impact Factor (2021): 6.78
6. Thanasrisuebwong P*, Jones JR, Eiamboonsert S, Ruangsawasdi N**, Jirajariyavej B***, Naruphontjirakul P. Zinc-Containing Sol-Gel Glass Nanoparticles to Deliver Therapeutic Ions. Nanomaterials. 2022;12: Article number 1691.
Department: * Dental Implant Center / ** Pharmacology / *** Prosthodontics
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q1
JCR (2021): Q2 Impact Factor (2021): 5.719
7. Leenutaphong P, Tancharoen S*, Nararatwanchai T, Phruksaniyom C*, Sarikaphuti A, Palungwachira P, Chaichalotornkul S. Induction of Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma Apoptosis by Derris scandens Benth and Elephantopus scaber Linn Extracts. Natural Product Communications. 2022;17: June 2022.
Department: * Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / WOS SJR (2021): Q3
JCR (2021): Q4 Impact Factor (2021): 1.496
1.Otsuka S, Setoyama K, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Terashi T, Norimatsu K, Tani A, Sakakima H, Maruyama I, Tancharoen S, Tanaka E, Kikuchi K. Preconditioning Exercise in Rats Attenuates Early Brain Injury Resulting from Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Reducing Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Neuronal Apoptosis. Molecular Neurobiology. 2021; Article Number 738.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 5.590
2. Lumbikananda S, Sriwantana T, Rattanawonsakul K, Parakaw T, Phruksaniyom C, Rattanasuwan K, Vivithanaporn P, Thonabulsombat C, Sibmooh N, Srihirun S. Nitrite in paraffin-stimulated saliva correlates with blood nitrite. Nitric Oxide. 2021;116:1-6.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q2
JCR (2020): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 4.427
3. Eawsakul K, Tancharoen S, Nasongkla N. Combination of dip coating of BMP-2 and spray coating of PLGA on dental implants for osseointegration. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2021;61: Article number 102296.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q2
JCR (2020): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 3.981
4. Sriboonyong T, Kawamatawong T, Sriwantana T, Srihirun S, Titapiwatanakun V, Vivithanaporn P, Pornsuriyasak P, Sibmooh N, Kamalaporn H. Efficacy and safety of inhaled nebulized sodium nitrite in asthmatic patients. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2021;66:Article number 101984.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q3 Impact Factor (2019): 3.410
5. Suwanapong T, Waikakul A, Boonsiriseth K, Ruangsawasdi N. Pre-and peri-operative factors influence autogenous tooth transplantation healing in insufficient bone sites. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21:Article number 325.
Department: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 2.757
6. Gonmanee T, Arayapisit T, Vongsavan K, Phruksaniyom C, Sritanaudomchai H. Optimal culture conditions for neurosphere formation and neuronal differentiation from human dental pulp stem cells. Journal of Applied Oral Science. 2021;29: Article number e20210296.
Department: Anatomy / Pharmacology / Oral Biology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q1
JCR (2020): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 2.698
7. Nakatomi K, Ueno H, Ishikawa Y, Salim R C, Mori Y, Kanemoto I, Tancharoen S, Kikuchi K, Miura N, Omori T, Okuda-Ashitaka E, Matsumura K, Imaizumi H, Motomiya Y, Maruyama I, Kawahara K. TLR4/M-D2 is a receptor for extracellular nucleophosmin 1. Biomedical Reports. 2021;14: Article Number 21.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2020): Q2
JCR (2020): Q3 Impact Factor (2019): –
8. Horsophonphong S, Chestsuttayangkul Y, Surarit R, Lertsooksawat W. Efficacy of extraoral suction devices in aerosol and splatter reduction during ultrasonic scaling: A laboratory investigation. Journal of Dental Research Dental Clinics Dental Prospects. 2021;15:197-202.
Department: Pediatric Dentistry / Oral Biology / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2020): Q3
JCR (2020): – Impact Factor (2019): –
1. Songsaad A, Gonmanee T, Ruangsawasdi N, Phruksaniyom C, Thonabulsombat C. Potential of resveratrol in enrichment of neural progenitor-like cell induction of human stem cells from apical papilla. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2020;11: Article number 542.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS JR (2019): Q1
JCR (2019): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 5.116
2. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Takada S, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Norimatsu K, Tani A, Sakakima H, Kawahara K, Hosokawa K, Kiyama R, Sumizono M, Tancharoen S, Maruyama I, Hattori G, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Uchikado H. E8002 inhibits peripheral nerve adhesion by enhancing fibrinolysis of l-ascorbic acid in a rat sciatic nerve model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020;21: Article number 3972.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q1
JCR (2019): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 4.556
3. Thanasrisuebwong P, Kiattavorncharoen S, Surarit R, Phruksaniyom C, Ruangsawasdi N. Red and yellow injectable platelet-rich fibrin demonstrated differential effects on periodontal ligament stem cell proliferation, migration, and osteogenic differentiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020;21:Article number 5153.
Department: Dental Hospital / Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Biology / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q1
JCR (2019): Q1 Impact Factor (2019): 4.556
4. Srihirun S, WonPark J, Teng R, Sawaengdee W, Piknova B, Schechter AN. Nitrate uptake and metabolism in human skeletal muscle cell cultures. Nitric Oxide – Biology and Chemistry. 2020;94:1-8.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 3.311
5. Siegenthaler B, Ghayor C, Ruangsawasdi N, Weber FE. The release of the bromodomain ligand N,N-dimethylacetamide adds bioactivity to a resorbable guided bone regeneration membrane in a rabbit calvarial defect model. Materials. 2020;13:Article number 501.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 3.057
6. Wongsuwan N, Dwivedi A, Tancharoen S, Nasongkla N. Development of dental implant coating with minocycline-loaded niosome for antibacterial application. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2020;56: Article number 101555.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q2 Impact Factor (2019): 2.734
7. Chamchoi A, Srihirun S, Paiboonsukwong K, Sriwantana T, Kongkaew P, Fucharoen S, Pattanapanyasat K, Sibmooh N. Hemoglobin-bound platelets correlate with the increased platelet activity in hemoglobin E/β-thalassemia. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology. 2020;42:518-25.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q2
JCR (2019): Q3 Impact Factor (2019): 2.141
8. Thaichinda S, Tancharoen S, Kanekura T, Higashi Y, Dararat P, Kikuchi K, Nararatwanchai T. Pinus maritima Extract Induces Apoptosis in Human Malignant Melanoma Cells via ROS/Caspase-3 Signaling. Natural Product Communications. 2020;15(5):1-10.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS SJR (2019): Q3
JCR (2019): Q4 Impact Factor (2019): 0.468
9. Palungwachira P, Tancharoen S, Dararat P, Nararatwanchai T. Anthocyanins isolated from Oryza Sativa L. protect dermal fibroblasts from hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine. 2020;11:45-54.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2019): Q3
JCR (2019): – Impact Factor (2019): –
1.Palungwachira P, Tancharoen S, Phruksaniyom C, Klungsaeng S, Srichan R, Kikuchi K, Nararatwanchai T. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Anthocyanins Extracted from Oryza sativa L. in Primary Dermal Fibroblasts. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. 2019; 2019:2089817.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q2 Impact Factor (2018): 4.868
2.Thanasrisuebwong P, Surarit R, Bencharit S, Ruangsawasdi N. Influence of fractionation methods on physical and biological properties of injectable platelet-rich fibrin: An exploratory study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019;20: Article number 1657.
Department: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Biology / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q2 Impact Factor (2018): 4.183
3.Sirirat K, Sriwantana T, Kaewchuchuen J, Paiboonsukwong K, Fucharoen S, Ritthidej G, Parakaw T, Srihirun S, Vivithanaporn P, Sritara P, Sibmooh N. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of single dose of inhaled nebulized sodium nitrite in healthy and hemoglobin E/β-thalassemia subjects. Nitric Oxide – Biology and Chemistry. 2019;93:6-14.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q2 Impact Factor (2018): 3.371
4.Lertsooksawat W, Wongnoppavich A, Chairatvit K. Up-regulation of interferon-stimulated gene 15 and its conjugation machinery, UbE1L and UbcH8 expression by tumor necrosis factor-α through p38 MAPK and JNK signaling pathways in human lung carcinoma. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2019;462:51-9.
Department: Pharmacology / Oral Biology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q3 Impact Factor (2018): 2.884
5.Srihirun S, Schechter AN, Piknova B. Platelet-based Detection of Nitric Oxide in Blood by Measuring VASP Phosphorylation. Journal of visualized experiments. 2019;143:e58647.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q3 Impact Factor (2018): 1.108
6.Chotitumnavee J, Parakaw T, Srisatjaluk RL, Pruksaniyom C, Pisitpipattana S, Thanathipanont C, Amarasingh T, Tiankhum N, Chimchawee N, Ruangsawasdi N. In vitro evaluation of local antibiotic delivery via fibrin hydrogel. Journal of Dental Sciences. 2019;14:7-14.
Department: Pharmacology / Oral Microbiology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q3
JCR (2018): Q4 Impact Factor (2018): 0.798
7.Waikakul A, Ruangsawasdi N. Autogenous tooth transplantation in a severely insufficient alveolar ridge without a bone graft: Two case reports. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases. 2019;5: Article number 100129.
Department: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2018): Q3
JCR (2018): – Impact Factor (2018): –
8. Seriwatanachai D, Triratana T, Kraivaphan P, Amaornchat C, Mateo LR, Sabharwal A, Delgado E, Szewczyk G, Ryan M, Zhang Y-P. Effect of stannous fluoride and zinc phosphate dentifrice on dental plaque and gingivitis: A randomized clinical trial with 6-month follow-up. Journal of the American Dental Association. 2019;150:S25-31.
Department: Oral Biology / Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology / Pharmacology
Source: Scopus/ WOS / PubMed SJR (2018): Q1
JCR (2018): Q1 Impact Factor (2018): 2.572
9.Nasongkla N, Tanesanukul C, Nilyok S, Wongsuwan N, Tancharoen S, Nilanont S. Nano-Coating of Metronidazole on Dental Implants for Antibacterial Application. IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, NANOMED. 2019;2018:59-62.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus SJR (2018): –
JCR (2018): – Impact Factor (2018): –
1.Thaichinda S, Nararatwanchai T, Tancharoen S, Kanekura T, Higashi Y. A comparative study of the cytotoxic activities of three plants: Curcuma zedoaria, pinus maritima and curcuma xanthorrhiza on skin cancer A375 and HSC-5 cell lines. ICDAMT. 2018:301-4.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus
2.Tancharoen S, Gando S, Binita S, Nagasato T, Kikuchi K, Nawa Y, Dararat P, Yamamoto M, Narkpinit S, Maruyama I. HMGB1 promotes intraoral palatal wound healing through RAGE-dependent mechanisms. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(11): Article number 1961.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
3.Piromkraipak P, Parakaw T, Phuagkhaopong S, Srihirun S, Chongthammakun S, Chaithirayanon K, Vivithanaporn P. Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonists induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation of human glioblastoma cells by downregulating b-cell lymphoma 2 and inducing cell cycle arrest. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2018;96:798-806.
Department: Pharmacology
4.Chamchoi A, Srihirun S, Paiboonsukwong K, Sriwantana T, Sathavorasmith P, Pattanapanyasat K, Hirsch RE, Schechter AN, Sibmooh N. Decreased nitrite reductase activity of deoxyhemoglobin correlates with platelet activation in hemoglobin E/ß-thalassemia subjects. PLoS ONE 2018;13(9): e0203955.
Department: Pharmacology
5.Sriwantana T, Vivithanaporn P, Paiboonsukwong K, Rattanawonsakul K, Srihirun S, Sibmooh N. Deferiprone increases endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation and nitric oxide production. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2018;96:879-85.
Department: Pharmacology
6.Priprem A, Lee YC, Limphirat W, Tiyaworanant S, Saodaeng K, Chotitumnavee J, Kowtragoon N. Eucalyptus ash alters secondary protein conformation of human grey hair and facilitates anthocyanin dyeing. PLoS ONE. 2018;13: Article number e0199696.
Department: Pharmacology
7.Yingchoncharoen T, Rakyhao T, Chuncharunee S, Sritara P, Pienvichit P, Paiboonsukwong K, Sathavorasmith P, Sirirat K, Sriwantana T, Srihirun S, Sibmooh N. Inhaled nebulized sodium nitrite decreases pulmonary artery pressure in β-thalassemia patients with pulmonary hypertension. Nitric Oxide. 2018;76:174-8.
Department: Pharmacology
8.Srihirun S, Piknova B, Sibmooh N, Schechter AN. Phosphorylated vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (P-VASPSer239) in platelets is increased by nitrite and partially deoxygenated erythrocytes. PLoS ONE. 2018; 13: Article number e0193747.
Department: Pharmacology
9.Siegenthaler B, Ghayor C, Gjoksi-Cosandey B, Ruangsawasdi N, Weber FE. The Bromodomain Inhibitor N-Methyl pyrrolidone Prevents Osteoporosis and BMP-Triggered Sclerostin Expression in Osteocytes. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19: Article number:3332.
Department: Pharmacology
10.Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Tanaka E, Otsuka S, Terashi T, Nakanishi K, Takada S, Sakakima H, Ampawong S, Kawahara KI, Nagasato T, Hosokawa K, Harada Y, Yamamoto M, Kamikokuryo C, Kiyama R, Morioka M, Ito T, Maruyama I, Tancharoen S. Uric acid enhances alteplase-mediated thrombolysis as an antioxidant. Sci Rep. 2018;8:Article number 15844.
Department: Pharmacology
1. Rodanant P, Boonnak N, Surarit R, Kuvatanasuchati J, Lertsooksawat W. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidatant activities of various isolated compounds from Cratoxylum species. Pak J Pharm Sci 2017; 30: 667-74.
Department: Advanced General Dentistry / Oral Biology / Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
2. Yanarojana M, Nararatwanchai T, Thairat S, Tancharoen S. Antiproliferative Activity and Induction of Apoptosis in Human Melanoma Cells by Houttuynia cordata Thunb Extract. Anticancer Res 2017; 37: 6619-28.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
3. Kraivaphan P, Amornchat C. Comparative clinical efficacy of three toothpastes in the control of supragingival calculus formation. Eur J Dent 2017; 11: 94-98.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: Scopus / PubMed
4. Tanaka K, Salunya T, Motomiya Y, Motomiya Y, Oyama Y, Yamakuchi M, Maruyama I. Decreased Expression of Thrombomodulin in Endothelial Cells by Fibroblast Growth Factor-23/α-Klotho. Ther Apher Dial 2017; 21: 395-404.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
5. Phruksaniyom C, Gonmanee T, Vongsavan K, Arayapisit T, Kraivaphan P, Sritanaudomchai H. Effect of culture conditions on colony-forming ability of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. J Stem Cells.2017;12(4):161-173.
Department: Pharmacology / Anatomy / Oral Biology
Source: Scopus
6. Ruangsawasdi N, Zehnder M, Patcas R, Ghayor C, Siegenthaler B, Gjoksi B, Weber FE. Effects of stem cell factor on cell homing during functional pulp regeneration in human immature teeth. Tissue Eng Part A 2017; 23: 115-23.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
7. Vajrabhaya LO, Sangalungkarn V, Srisatjaluk R, Korsuwannawong S, Phruksaniyom C. Hypochlorite solution for root canal irrigation that lacks a chlorinated odor. Eur J Dent 2017; 11: 221-5.
Department: Pharmacology / Oral Microbiology / Research Office
Source: Scopus / PubMed
8. Gjoksi B, Ruangsawasdi N, Ghayor C, Siegenthaler B, Zenobi-Wong M, Weber FE. Influence of N-methyl pyrrolidone on the activity of the pulp-dentine complex and bone integrity during osteoporosis. Int Endod J 2017; 50: 271-80.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
9. Parakaw T, Suknuntha K, Vivithanaporn P, Schlagenhauf A, Topanurak S, Fucharoen S, Pattanapanyasat K, Schechter A, Sibmooh N, Srihirun S. Platelet inhibition and increased phosphorylated vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein following sodium nitrite inhalation. Nitric Oxide 2017; 66:10-6.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
10. Suknuntha K, Thita T, Togarrati PP, Ratanachamnong P, Wongtrakoongate P, Srihirun S, Slukvin I, Hongeng S. Wnt signaling inhibitor FH535 selectively inhibits cell proliferation and potentiates imatinib-induced apoptosis in myeloid leukemia cell lines. Int J Hematol 2017; 105: 196-205.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: WOS / Scopus / PubMed
1.Tancharoen S, Gando S, Binita S, Nagasato T, Kikuchi K, Nawa Y, Dararat P, Yamamoto M, Narkpinit S, Maruyama I. HMGB1 promotes intraoral palatal wound healing through RAGE-dependent mechanisms. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(11): Article number 1961.
Department: Pharmacology
2.Ruangsawasdi N, Zehnder M, Patcas R, Ghayor C, Webera FE. Regenerative Dentistry: Animal Model for Regenerative Endodontology. Transfus Med Hemother. 2016; 43:359-64.
Department: Pharmacology
3.Nontarach A, Srihirun S, Chaturapanich G, Unchern S, Swaddiwudhipong W, Pattanapanyasat K, Chamchoi A, Vivithanaporn P, Visoottiviseth P, Sibmooh N. Increased platelet activation in subjects chronically exposed to cadmium: A pilot study. Platelets. 2016; 27(2): 136-42.
Department: Pharmacology
4.Rattanasuwan K, Rassameemasmaung S, Sangalungkarn V, Komoltri C. Clinical effect of locally delivered gel containing green tea extract as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment. Odontology. 2016; 104(1): 89-97.
Department: Oral Medicine and Periodontology / Pharmacology
1.Srihirun S, Sibmooh N. Dabigatran: A new oral anticoagulant. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(1): 79-89.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
2.Mirchandani B, Wonglamsam A, Tancharoen S, Srithavaj T. Effect of opacifier and pigments on hardness of maxillofacial silicones. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(3):231-35.
Department: Prosthodontics / Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
1. Lertsooksawat W*, Horsophonphong S**, Chestsuttayangkul Y. A novel negative airflow aerosol chamber minimized aerosol transmission during ultrasonic scaling: A laboratory investigation. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2022;42(1): 47-54.
Department: * Pharmacology / ** Pediatric Dentistry
Source: TCI Tier 2
1.Osiri S, Banomyong D, Chotvorrarak K, Ruangsawasd N. Effects of experimental ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid pastes with 0.2% cetrimide on smear layer formation at apical root canal walls prepared by rotary nickel titanium files. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2019;39(2):65-71.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Kaewprag J, Ruangsawasdi N. Regenerative endodontics: Cell-based versus cell-free approach. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2018;38(3):319-26.
Department: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics / Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Tanveer W, Wonglamsam A, Tancharoen S, Tirasriwat A, Srithavaj T, Shrestha B, Chotprasert N. Evaluation of peel bond strength between plexiglas acrylic (pmma) and maxillofacial silicone using three different primers. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2017; 37:263-72.
Department: Prosthodontics / Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Srihirun S, Sibmooh N. Current and novel P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonists and bleeding risk in dental surgery. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2016;36(1):65-74.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
1.Srihirun S, Sibmooh N. Dabigatran: A new oral anticoagulant. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(1): 79-89.
Department: Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
2.Mirchandani B, Wonglamsam A, Tancharoen S, Srithavaj T. Effect of opacifier and pigments on hardness of maxillofacial silicones. Mahidol Dental Journal. 2015;35(3):231-35.
Department: Prosthodontics / Pharmacology
Source: TCI Tier 1
Department of Phamacology
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Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: +66(0)2-200-7634, 7642 E-mail: dtmupostgrad@mahidol.ac.th
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,15th floor Tel: +662-200-7608 E-mail: dtinter@mahidol.ac.th