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Student Enrolled Between 2016 – 2021

Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program) Revised Program of Academic Year 2016

ภาษาไทย :             หลักสูตรทันตแพทยศาสตรบัณฑิต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ)
English :               Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program)

ภาษาไทย                  Full Title :      ทันตแพทยศาสตรบัณฑิต

    Abbreviation : ท.บ.

English                   Full Title :      Doctor of Dental Surgery

    Abbreviation : D.D.S.

Field of Study        Dentistry


Total Credits           227  Credits

Program Structure

1) General Education        30        Credits

– Social Sciences and Humanities      20       Credits

– Languages                                              4        Credits

– Science and Mathematics                   6        Credits

2) Core Courses               191        Credits

– Basic Biomedical Science                  48       Credits

– Clinical Dental Science                       137     Credits

– Professional Electives                           6       Credits

3) Free Elective Courses      6         Credits

This is a professional degree program with a study duration of six years, conforming to the criteria of the Higher Education Curriculum of 2015 and the framework for undergraduate qualifications in Dentistry in 2014.


– Must be at least 16 years of age by the application date.

– Must be a high school graduate certified by the Ministry of Education or the highest level of high school from an international school in Thailand or their graduated country or other educational systems as the Board deems appropriate.

– Must be studying in the last year of school and is predicted to graduate or graduate at the undergraduate level from an international program that the Faculty of Dentistry defines.

– Pass the interview and the minimum criteria set by the program in English proficiency and academic knowledge following Mahidol University’s announcement on Undergraduate Student Admission (Direct Admission by the Faculty) or the Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program), Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University of each academic year. Additionally, the Doctor of Dental Surgery (International Program) specifies the ratio of student admission of Thai students and non-Thai students as 1 : 1 or have the Thai students at least 50 percent.

The study duration is six academic years. The students must study for no more than 12 academic years.

Accepting students through direct admission by Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University

– Dentist
– Instructor in University
– Academician
– Researcher
– Freelance and dental entrepreneur

The graduates of the Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program) possess the professional knowledge, competence, morality, ethics and studiousness for people’s quality of life.

Importance of the program

Reinforce education by emphasizing learning (Learning Centered Education) for the achievement of the learners (Outcome-based Education) not only for developing knowledge and abilities but also creating new knowledge by themselves (Constructivism). Moreover, they must also promote the use of the existing potential for the full benefit of people and society.

1. The learners will have the fundamental knowledge of medical sciences and apply the knowledge for analyzing the information or describing the clinical phenomenon rationally with the scientific method.

2. The learners will have the knowledge, competence and fundamental skills in dentistry to the point that can apply such for examining, diagnosing, doing the treatment plan in protecting and managing oral diseases and other related organs and also the proper recovery by considering the holistic approach. Plus, they will own the knowledge of technology by considering the appropriateness, limitation and abilities for the best benefit of the patient. They must have an understanding of dental health as well as find the solution and share the knowledge along with promoting dental health correctly.

3. The learners will have an understanding of research theory and be able to do uncomplicated research.

4. The learners will have morality, ethics and positive attitudes to professional practice. Be responsible for the community and conserving the environment all the way long to recognizing the value and diversity of arts, culture and way of life of each nation in the global society.

5. The learners will have general knowledge relating to global society, technology and environmental status to communicate and perform in a place where there are people with diversity to live happily and with a broad world view and up-to-date.

6. The learners will have an understanding of management principles and can be group leaders with a creative initiative and good human relations. They could combine and implement the knowledge and academic ability in dentistry and various academic fields to work effectively with personnel in other professional fields.

7. They will be studious and have a positive attitude toward self-study and continuous professional development.

Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (International Program) Revised Program of Academic Year 2016 Learning Outcomes (LO) and sub Learning Outcomes (Sub-LOs)



to task

A1  Holistic approach

· Establish a patient-centered approach to care
· Guide his/her patients’ health care decision making by communicating in a culturally sensitive manner


A2  Critical thinking and problem solving

· Acquire, critically assess, integrate and apply foundation and emerging knowledge relative to health care decision making and patient care

A3  Ethics and professional law

· Apply ethical principles, decision making and reasoning that govern patient care, practice management and community health.
· Practice dentistry within the ethical, legal and regulatory codes of the profession


A4  Basic and clinical sciences

· Acquire, critically assess, integrate and apply foundation and emerging knowledge relative to health care decision making and patient care

A5  Information, media and technology skills

· Recognize that knowledge is dynamic and the learning continue throughout one’s professional life
Dentist tasks

D1  Patient assessment and diagnosis

· Assess the pediatric, adult and geriatric patients with respect to etiologic factors, differential diagnosis and risk for oral, dentofacial and systemic diseases, and develop a treatment plan, including the potential for complications and contraindications to treatment utilizing best available evidence

D2  Patient management

· Formulate a comprehensive treatment plan that utilizes best available evidence
· Manage the orofacial health needs of the patient through all stages of life and evaluate the results of therapy.
· Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of treatment to determine the need for future therapy.

D3  Health promotion and prevention

D4  Procedure

P1  Leadership and collaboration

· Cultivate altruism in support of leadership and service to the community and the profession

P2  Role of dentist and social engagement

· Guide his/her patient’s health care decision making by communicating in a culturally sensitive manner

P3  Professional and personal development and reflection· Recognize that knowledge is dynamic and that learning continue throughout one’s professional life

Teaching Strategies

Evaluation Strategies

– Interactive lecture
– Small group discussion
– Team-based research projects assigned to the 4th year, together with presentations of research proposals and results
– Learning in real situations
– Learning in simulated situations
– Case studies
– Clinical direct observations
– Patient report
– Self-directed learning

– Written examination
– Assignments
– Various forms of presentations
– Clinical case report
– Behavioral assessment
– Workplace-based assessment
– Portfolios
– Reflective report

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