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School of Dental Technology

School of Dental Technology

About Us

School of Dental Technology

The School of dental technology is the first institute regarding the dental  technology education in Thailand. In 1971, Professor Phensri Suthisansunthon, the Department of Prosthodontics Chairman was assigned by Professor Isara Yuktanandhe, the Faculty Dean, to form a Certificate Program in Dental Technician. The duration of the whole program is two years. The students need to be a high school graduate or have a nationally equivalent certificate in order to attend the program. This program was assisted by the Columbo Plan provided by the Government of the United Kingdom and the Prosthodontic Department, University of Birmingham, UK, in order for the program to be approved by the National Education Council and Office of The Civil Service Commission. After approval, the first admission began in 1972, the study curriculum was formed through the collaboration of the Department of Prosthodontic, Department of Orthodontic, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Community Dentistry, Audio-Visual Education Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty Of Public Health, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Department of Engineering Physics Department of Science Service, Ministry of Science and Technology and honor persons.


In 1979, the program was temporarily closed due to the decreasing demand for dental technology staffs. However, in 1989, the cabinet decided to continue the program again., and by 1990, the Faculty of Dentistry opened the school again in response to the government policy to produce dental technicians for public and private dental practices nationally. The school operated from 1990 until it was stopped again in 2006 in order to make improvements in the curriculum and was again reopened in 2008. The School of Dental Technology has been in operation from then until the present.

In 1995, Assoc. Prof. Benjapote Yotnuengnit, Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics and Dentist Technician School offered Bachelor of Technology Program in Dental Technology (2 – Year Extension) and Mahidol University council approved the program at the 286th conference in November 19, 1998. Moreover, the council committee members suggested to change the name “Dentist Tecnician Technician School” to “School of Dental Technology”.

This program was done in order to serve the government policy to open a Bachelor of Technology Program in Dental Technology (2-Year Extension), and was then launched on May 12, 1998. The degree was approved by the Office of the Civil Service Commission. This gave the graduates of the program an income that is in the same level as those from the education field.

However the program was stopped in 2010 due to the construction of the HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 50th Birthday Anniversary Celebration Building but was then reopened in 2011 and has been in operation ever since.


School of Dental Technology

The School of Dental Technology has one program available; Certificate Program in Dental Technician


Certificate Program in Dental Technician

The school limits the numbers of students it admits to 15-20 students. The duration of the course is two years but not over four years of study. In 2008, the following improvements were made to the program:

General Education  19  credits

Specialize Education  56  credits

Free Elective  2  credits

       Total 77 credits


A student who completes the program will receive a Graduate Certificate in Dental Technician and will be qualified to work with the Ministry of Public Health, in a University, in a private organization or to work as a freelance dental technician.In 2008, the school accepted a Cambodian student based on the royal initiative project to increase dental staffs to take the Certificate Program in Dental Technician.


In 2010, the school accepted one more Cambodian student. Furthermore, the school is intending to support this project continuously. In 2014, the school accepted a Lao student from the International Dental Collaboration of the Mekong River Region (IDCMR) scholarship to take a Certificate Program in Dental Technician.


A student who completes the program will receive a Bachelor of Technology Program in Dental Technology from Mahidol University. The first group of graduates from the program were eight people. The students received the degree with Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on July 6, 2000 at the New Building, Suan Amphon.

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