(Specific Features) :
It is a machine for cutting ultrathin samples for study under the transmission electron microscope, capable of cutting from at least 5 nanometers to 90 nanometers, with precision settings of 1 nanometer at a time. It can be operated manually or automatically controlled by motors and can use both glass and diamond blades.
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 Hospital (Phayathai Campus) Tel: +662-200-7777 Hospital (Salaya Campus) Tel: +662-849-6600 Office Tel: +662-200-7555 Department Tel: +662-200-7888
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,11th floor Tel: +662-200-7764 E-mail: muddsinter@gmail.com
Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: +66(0)2-200-7634, 7642 E-mail: dtmupostgrad@mahidol.ac.th
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,15th floor Tel: +662-200-7608 E-mail: dtinter@mahidol.ac.th