On September 14, 2023, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, President of Mahidol University, presided over the 2023 Mahidol University Retirement Ceremony. This ceremony was dedicated to honoring the retiring staff, including lecturers, civil servants, and employees of Mahidol University.
This year, there were 18 retiring individuals from Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry participating in the event.
The ceremony featured a special lecture, captivating performances by university clubs, a retirement message video, and the formal presentation of Mahidol Badge Needles and certificates of retirement.
Following these presentations, the ceremony’s chairman expressed heartfelt appreciation to all the retiring individuals. Additionally, a representative of the retirees shared their personal reflections and sentiments about retiring from their roles. The ceremony concluded with a group photo session, which took place at Prince Mahidol Hall, situated within Mahidol University’s Salaya Campus.
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 Hospital (Phayathai Campus) Tel: +662-200-7777 Hospital (Salaya Campus) Tel: +662-849-6600 Office Tel: +662-200-7555 Department Tel: +662-200-7888
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,11th floor Tel: +662-200-7764 E-mail: muddsinter@gmail.com
Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND Tel: +66(0)2-200-7634, 7642 E-mail: dtmupostgrad@mahidol.ac.th
No. 6, Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry,15th floor Tel: +662-200-7608 E-mail: dtinter@mahidol.ac.th